Sal @ Jay's Shop!
Originally uploaded by curly angel.
Hi! So sorry.. so long never update. Lazy la. keke..
Anyway, my Taipei trip was good. Juz that 3 days is abit short. Somemore winter+rainy, din get to go to the famous mountains and hot-spring bath. Will defintely go back for a 12-day tour to take chance to see the other parts of the country. Stil hv the NT in my purse. They say if you keep some currency of the country on your first visit, you'll return to it again...
And... Hermmy. He's given his first talk in Tampines Library today. Ha. That ah boy, cant believe he did it. Never seen him speaking in public, but now he's doing it. This is reali amazing. Talk abt no confidence n all, but he's handling it so cool n steadily. I reali think he did a great job. Let's hope it'll open more doors ok ;)
Hv u ever felt so distant to someone u once so close with? She started to draw away fr the gp ever since she found a bf. Got married, n now happy w a kid. She make little efforts in maintaining frienship for the past... 4 yrs? Tht's how I felt. It is not wrong. No.. We juz took different paths. I shared w mama the story, n she quoted me a few other examples. There r ppl tht you'r a little disappointed w, but am sure there r ppl whom u stil care. And for her, no regrets. I took her truely. And even if it means "The End", I thank her for the memories. And I tell myself - I need to get use to this anyway. She's only the first case. Many more will drop away as I get older, so wat's e big deal.
And now, my only energy booster: start planning for another short trip with my friends soon again!! Hope to go Redang nex for some sun or maybe KL to see fire fly... Planning a yr-end count down out-of-Spore also. *dreamy...*
ok - 11.42pm. gotta end liao. Gotta sleep soon. Good Nite ..Zzz...